More People Are Moving During the Pandemic than You Think

Posted byChris Posted in,
Posted on Mar 10, 2021

Moving During the Pandemic Moving During the Pandemic

The coronavirus pandemic has changed our lives in many ways. We spend more time at home, less in public or socializing. We even work at home in record numbers now, something few of us would have predicted only two years ago. But one of the most surprising effects of coronavirus is how many people are moving during the pandemic. Below, we look at some of the latest research to figure out why this is happening everywhere in the U.S., even here in the Raleigh-Durham area of North Carolina.

Are more people moving during the pandemic?

Seven in 10 people in America now work from home, as recently reported by Gallup. This is a shocking lifestyle change that has affected how many people feel about their housing.

For some, home now feels too small. For others, living in an urban environment has lost its luster. More and more Americans want greater home workspace and room to breathe. Because many of us no longer have to go into an office to work, we can let go of city living for the open environment and space of suburban or rural life. As a result, many are moving during the pandemic.

According to United States Postal Service® change-of-address data from February to July 2020, more than 15.9 million people moved during this time period. This is more relocation activity than in a typical year. In 2019, before we knew anything about Covid-19, 3.92% fewer people relocated.

Why are people moving during the pandemic?

Pew Research Center conducted a study in June to figure out why so many more people are moving during the pandemic. To learn about this trend, Pew researchers asked residents why they decided to relocate at this particular time.

According to their findings, one-fourth of adults (28%) chose moving during the pandemic out of fear of getting the coronavirus. Twenty percent of the adults interviewed wanted to be close to family during this difficult time. Another 23 percent had to move because their college campus shut down. Job loss or other financial reasons led to 18 percent of these relocations. Overall, one in five Americans moving during the pandemic did so because of Covid-19.

Many People Chose a Temporary Move

Many people moving during the pandemic chose a temporary move. The USPS experienced a 26.73 percent increase in temporary address changes over the prior year. These are people who had to leave their residence for a period of time, yet expect to move back within six months. Many of these movers fled urban areas where the virus led to many deaths.

Unfortunately, there was a second wave of illnesses later in 2020 and increased problems with coronavirus. As a result, many of these people will not fulfill their plans to move back again within that time limit. This means many have to keep their belongings in temporary moving storage, too. Access to these types of services certainly makes moving during the pandemic and adjusting to related plan changes much easier.

Hire the Professionals When Moving during the Pandemic

If you are moving during the pandemic, whether locally or for a short-distance move, you need help from the Raleigh-Durham moving experts at Branch Out Moving & Delivery.

Cities we serve in the Triangle Area of NC and beyond include:

  • Raleigh
  • Durham
  • Wake Forest
  • Rolesville
  • Franklinton
  • Youngsville
  • Mooresville
  • Cary
  • Bethesda, MD

Call Branch Out Moving & Delivery at 919-888-0090 for scheduling and more information about moving during the pandemic and the steps we take to keep everyone safe.